The Survey School
The pathway to a career in surveying
The Survey School is home to TSA’s Surveying Course
It’s the UK’s only commercial training centre that provides training to the land survey industry which is accredited by The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors.
The Survey School was established in Worcester over 30 years ago and in 2014, The Survey Association (TSA) took over the running of The School to ensure the continuation of arguably the best survey training available in the UK. TSA has invested in updating IT systems, equipment, course material, expanding the pool of experienced tutors and has received immense support from the survey instrument manufacturers and software providers.
In the late 1990’s, it was evident that there was a need for non-academic practical survey training and so the TSA Surveying Course was developed.

In a nutshell…
For new entrants into the Geomatics profession, or those with some experience but no formal training.
To broaden the student’s practical experience and to supplement theoretical experience gained from their employer.
The course is broken down into six two-week blocks spread over two years.

“TSA’s Surveying Course is providing a valuable resource for the education of tomorrow’s Surveyors.”
President of The Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors

“Since TSA launched the Surveying Course back in 2002 we have enrolled a student on most intakes and our company is now seeing the benefits of this unique and very successful training course.”
Milton Keynes Surveys

Arguably the best survey training available in the UK
A bit more detail
The overall aim is to enhance the contribution each student will make to their employer’s organisation, and for students to achieve a recognised qualification and become competent Survey Technicians. Successful graduation from the course will fulfil 100% of the academic requirement for those wishing to upgrade from Student to Technical membership of Chartered ICES. The course also provides 50% of the points required for the RICS Associate (AssocRICS) qualification. TSA’s Surveying Course is now run alongside the ProQual Level 3 Diploma in Engineering Surveying.
The Survey School also runs a series of short technical courses usually ranging from 2 – 5 days duration covering areas such as utility mapping, AutoCAD for surveying, hydrographic survey and reality capture. For further details and dates please visit The Survey School.