Privacy Policy

TSA (The UK Land & Hydrographic Survey Association) is committed to protecting your privacy and this Privacy Policy sets out our privacy practices.

Please take the time to review this Privacy Policy carefully as it tells you how your personal information will be treated by us.

Here we describe how we collect, use and handle your information when you use our website, booking forms and Membership services (“Services“).

What, Why & With whom

We may share information as discussed below, but we won’t sell it to advertisers or other third parties.

We collect and use the following information to provide, improve and protect our Services:

Membership. You provide and we collect as part of your membership, information like your name, email address, phone number, company name, company address, physical address, contact details within your company. As part of the Application Process you supply us with work samples and financial information, usually in the form of company accounts.  The work samples are sent to TSA Council Members via Dropbox in the strictest confidence and are then deleted once your application has either been approved or rejected.  The financial information you supply is seen only by TSA staff and then deleted once your Application has either been approved or rejected.

While you are a TSA Member, we ask Full and Associate Members to supply insurance certificates once a year as part of the Annual Return process. The documents are then shredded once they have been viewed by the CEO.

Booking Forms for Survey School Courses. You provide and we collect as part of your booking onto a course at The Survey School in Worcester, information like your name, email address, phone number, company name, company address, physical address, contact details within your company. This information is stored in Dropbox for the duration of your attendance on the course.  Once the course has been completed the information is then moved to a hard drive and backed up by our IT consultants in Leeds. Only basic information such as the name, company and Assessment/Graduation marks/results are kept, providing a necessary proof of their achievements for attendees if they require it in the future.

Booking Forms for Level 3 Diploma. You provide and we collect as part of your registration onto the Level 3 Diploma in Engineering Surveying processed at The Survey School in Worcester, information like your name, email address, phone number, company name, company address, physical address, contact details within your company and special category information such as your ethnicity. ProQual require all approved centres to maintain records, programme, and candidate details, relating to each ProQual qualification, for a minimum period of 3 years and to make them available to ProQual for the purposes of resolving any issues arising from external quality assurance or appeals. Following the ProQual 3-year minimum retention period the information is then moved to a hard drive and backed up by our IT consultants in Leeds, where only basic information such as the name, company, and certification are kept, providing a necessary proof of their achievements for attendees if they require it in the future.

TSA Website. TSA provides free technical documents as Downloads on the website. As part of the download process, we ask you to provide your name, company and an email address.  This is collected for statistical analysis, so we have an accurate picture of what sectors and geographical areas our documents are reaching.  We ask you to provide explicit consent for us to contact you, using the email address you have provided, in order to inform you when an updated technical document has been uploaded.  This information is not passed to any third party, it is stored on Dropbox which only the TSA staff have access to.


Security. TSA’s website has a secure connection (https – upgraded from http in February 2018), all TSA and Survey School PCs run up to date antivirus software, firewalls and are remotely backed up twice a day. All PCs are password protected, as are our Dropbox Business accounts.

Retention. We’ll retain information you have provided us with for as long as we need it to provide you the Services. If you resign from Membership, we will archive this information. But please note: (1) there might be some latency in deleting this information from our servers and back-up storage; and (2) we may retain this information if necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce our agreements.


  1. All TSA PCs are backed up remotely by PCM to their servers in Leeds.

Dropbox EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield. When transferring data from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland, Dropbox relies upon a variety of legal mechanisms, including contracts with our users. Dropbox complies with the EU-U.S. and Swiss–U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland to the United States. You can find Dropbox’s Privacy Shield certification here. You can also learn more about Privacy Shield at


If we are involved in a reorganisation, merger, acquisition or sale of our assets, your information may be transferred as part of that deal. We will notify you (for example, via a message to the email address associated with your membership) of any such deal and outline your choices in that event.

We may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, and will post the most current version on our website. If a revision meaningfully reduces your rights, we will notify you.


Have questions or concerns about TSA, our Services and privacy? Contact us at


Accessing any of the electronic links within will take you to the website which is indicated by that link.

Information held on any website not owned by TSA does not necessarily represent the policy of the Association and the Association does not take any responsibility for information given out on those sites.

Any reference to commercial or trade products or methods should not be taken as an endorsement.

Unless otherwise stated all contents of this website are © TSA 2024.

For permission to reproduce any contents of this website please email the TSA Secretariat at: