Why use a TSA member?
TSA is committed to high standards so we have a strict membership criteria and vetting procedure
We expect all our members to meet and maintain our very high standards giving you confidence in the survey product and expertise you purchase. Every applicant undergoes a robust assessment to ensure their work, people, systems, procedures, health and safety and quality meet the required standard. Work samples are also scrutinised by members of TSA Council who are themselves actively engaged in practising survey companies.

Reasons for choosing a TSA Member
TSA members must adhere to high standards of professionalism and ethics in surveying and related services. We have an accreditation process that ensures our members meet specific criteria, providing clients with confidence in the quality of services they will receive.
TSA members undergo thorough scrutiny to ensure they meet the association’s standards. They are well-trained in various survey methodologies, data collection techniques, and data analysis.
TSA members have access to a range of resources, tools, and technologies related to surveying which leads to more efficient and effective survey projects with better outcomes.
Many of TSA’s members engage in continuous learning and development and as a result are up-to-date with the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in the surveying industry.
TSA members abide by a code of ethics or professional conduct, ensuring that their work is conducted ethically and with integrity. This can be important in maintaining trust and confidentiality when dealing with sensitive data.
Members of TSA have access to professional support, whether in the form of mentorship, guidance, or assistance with challenging projects.
TSA provides its members with regular updates, industry news, and insights, helping them stay informed about changes and developments in the surveying sector.

TSA expects every member to meet its very high standards and maintain this throughout membership.
Improving skills and knowledge
TSA runs its own modular training course aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of practising surveyors. It provides free seminars to improve business skills, arranges industry discussion days twice a year to look at new and emerging technologies and issues affecting the survey industry, supports supplier events such as manufacturer roadshows and sponsors industry exhibitions.
There are also supplier members of TSA who will readily offer advice on specific technologies if you have particular requirements. In 2008 TSA introduced a voluntary scheme for Full and Associate members aimed at encouraging members to continue to educate and develop both their staff and their organisation. The scheme is called CCD (Continuing Company Development) and those companies taking part in the scheme are identified on the membership listing.

Find a surveyor
We have over 210 member companies, covering all kinds of survey disciplines. Please click here for an up to date list of TSA members and to browse member profiles, find key contact information and email a TSA member company direct from our site.
Alternatively, use our ‘Find a Surveyor’ search tool to help you find a surveyor close to your base for ease of meetings or close to your site which may provide other efficiencies.
We welcome your feedback so please do take the time to complete our client satisfaction questionnaire which can be found here. We have high expectations of our members. On rare occasions, if those standards are not met, we have a formal procedure for dealing with complaints that makes sure we give them proper attention. Please get in touch using the feedback form here, or contact us below
Need help?
We’re here to answer your questions, please contact us here.