TSA members area

October QISS 2021

45 Votes

Over the last 3 months, compared with the previous 3 months, Turnover was:

Up: 42%
Same: 56%
Down: 2%

Enquiries were:

Up: 53%
Same: 45%
Down: 2%

Compared to 3 months ago, has your workforce:

Increased: 33%
Remained the same: 54%
Decreased: 13%

Over the next 3 months, do you expect your workforce to:

Increase: 42%
Remain the same: 58%
Decrease: 0%

Do you expect sales over the coming 12 months to:

Increase: 65%
Remain the same: 31%
Decrease: 4%

Is your business currently working at:

Full Capacity: 91%
Below Capacity: 9%

Which issues cause adverse pressure on your business? 

Ranked in order – most adverse pressure first:

  1. Shortage of Skilled Staff
  2. Low Fee
  3. Competition
  4. Delivery of Product
  5. Late Payment
  6. IT Limitations
  7. Access to funding
  8. Shortage of Orders
  9. Cost of new equipment

Have you had any survey equipment stolen in the last 3 months?

Yes – and reported to SmartWater: 7%
Yes – and did not report to SmartWater: 7%
No: 86%