Equipment theft: latest news from The Survey Association

Published: 12 Jun 2024

The theft of survey equipment is an ongoing challenge for our profession and at The Survey Association we are aware of its significance for all our members. We are constantly looking at ways in which we can help all TSA members to keep their equipment and employees safe. By raising awareness and encouraging the reporting of thefts, we can assist crime fighting agencies in tackling the problem.

We forged a professional relationship with DeterTech, or SmartWater as it was known then, in 2018. We continue to work with this organisation to see what can be done to improve the situation. DeterTech’s presentation to members at our AGM held at Silverstone earlier in the year provided some stark reminders of just how daring these organised gangs of thieves can be, as well as some useful updates on how reporting thefts really does make a difference. The reports build up a picture of what is being stolen and from where, often linking with crimes in other sectors and providing a deeper understanding of criminal gangs’ activities on a larger scale.

It was heartening to hear of a recent success story from TSA members Survey Solutions and Korec of stolen equipment being recovered. Read more about this HERE.

In response to discussions with members, we held an open forum on equipment theft in April, which was attended by Superintendent Andy Huddleston from NCATT (National Construction & Agriculture Theft Team). It was really useful to have an expert of Andy’s calibre on hand to provide us with an update and respond to members’ searching questions.

What should you do in the event of equipment theft?

If you experience equipment theft, report it as soon as you possibly can to the police, your insurance company, the manufacturer, DeterTech ( and NCATT ( Please think carefully before sharing details and thoughts on theft on social media, as this can provide criminals with an easy way to find out information that should remain confidential.

Personal safety is, of course, of paramount importance too. So far, Chris Morris of CPD Security Training has delivered two sessions on situational awareness training to our members and we are planning another one too. Don’t forget that, in the meantime, Chris can be contacted to arrange further sessions for your company too. Contact him on 0774 009 1010 or email

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