Equipment Theft

Have you had survey equipment stolen? 

An alliance between The Survey Association (TSA) and DeterTech (formerly SmartWater) is leading to detailed analysis and police follow-up on every incident of equipment theft.

TSA and DeterTech officially began working together in 2018 and is the first, co-ordinated response to thieves that persistently target surveyors.

 As a direct result of the TSA initiative, DeterTech operatives are sharing incident information with the police and discussing the impact of theft on survey companies with crime prevention officers.

 Please report any historic thefts along with every instance as it happens, by doing the following:

  1. Complete the Incident Form below (in the form of an Excel spreadsheet) with details of ALL the equipment theft you suffer, as soon as it happens.
    Incident Form
  2. Send the completed spreadsheet, along with any supporting information such as photos or videos to:

 We also strongly advise that you also report the theft to the equipment manufacturer.

  • DeterTech produce reports and alerts based on the information provided – so it is essential that they have the most detailed information possible.  This is issued to TSA Members.
  • DeterTech will make links with local Police Forces and assist with any enquiries on behalf of TSA.